GameMaker - Astroids - Part C

I had a hard time figuring out a font for my game over screen and trying to match it up with my score tracker and my lives. I eventually just figured it out and matched it up like how the video said to do it. I was just putting the wrong input in. Other than that I didn't really have too much trouble with this part.

I kind of made things different by changing the colours of things and changing up the looks of the asteroids, by putting faces on them. I tried to create a different looking ship but it ended up looking extremely terrible and it didn't exactly look how I wanted it to look, it was also pretty big and I didn't want to make it have a huge hit box to make it easy to die so I just left it off as a triangular spaceship that shoots tiny portions of fruit roll-ups. To the invisibility part of the game, I added a face in one frame so it flashes a smile at you each time it switches to white.


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