Final Project Proposal

My final project is going to be a game about a box escaping an obstacle course by Dr. Yellow. There are two types of enemies, the purples and blues. The purples are pretty cautious so they do not fall off ledges, and will send you back to the save points. However, the blues are the boldest out of everyone, so they will actually send you back to the start of the game instead of the save point so be careful when you run into them. Your main objective is to just escape, you have access to jump boosts to jump over enemies and obstacles as well. Keep in mind that this was meant to be a prettying challenging game. It wasn't meant to be easy, ever.

I will be using this video tutorial on how to make a platform type of game, but with my own type of twists, sprites, and graphics.

The game will look like a pixelated game, because that's the kind of genre that I want to create because the old classics to me seem so much more fun to recreate.

I will also be making a little story line for this game as well, which I somewhat explained at the start of this proposal. As it will not just be a run and gun game with just no purpose.

1. Creating story lines - 20 minutes
2. Creation of level(s), sprites, animations - 3 class
3. Coding the game - 2 classes
4. Creating menu/game over screen - 1 class
5. Additional effects to the game - 1 class
6. Add finishing touches to the game - 20 minutes

If I do finish making this game earlier than I think, I will be going back to the game and try to add additional affects or sprite changes and make them more detailed. I will add some more to the story line (if I have time).

May 25, 2018

The start of the final project proposal, and the final project itself. I've created the file and began to watch the tutorials.

May 29, 2018

The idea of the story line has been made and added some early creation for the sprites and created some early codes of the objects in the game, creating a "wall" and a "player".

May 31, 2018

More coding has been added to the game, the sprite can now move and collide with the wall, so the wall will stop the player model. The sprite has been updated and is not just in a standing stance, but running sprites will be added to ensure that there will be running and shooting animations as well. The room as been updated a little bit, just changing some minor map errors, such as misplacement with the pixels.

June 3, 2018

More coding was added to the game, the player model now moves side to side and faces either left or right when going that certain way. The player model can also jump now. The gun model has also been made and that sprite will be added on to the player sprite so the player can shoot.

June 8, 2018

The player can now jump a little more higher now, the gravity is a little updated, the story has been changed, and the gun has been removed. Changing the style of the game.

June 11, 2018

Power-ups have been added to the game, the power can make you jump higher than normal for five seconds.

June 12, 2018

Three new sprites and objects have been added to the game, I have added two new enemies, where one changes in direction every time it goes near a ledge, and one that just falls off the edge. When the player touches these two enemies, then the game will restart. Regarding the third and final one, it is a checkpoint object. The checkpoint obviously teleport's you to where that object is when you die to an enemy. I made a whole different room to make it have global variables so it can connect to all sorts of different objects as well, not just the checkpoint itself.

June 14, 2018

I have created three new sprites, a portal, a platform that is somewhat transparent - meaning I can jump through it but I can stand on it, and a moving platform. The portal has a simple code where if it collides with the player, then it sends them to the next room. The platform has a pretty small code where I make the sprite invisible, but I draw it again on screen. Then, if the player stands on it, then it stands on it. It also inherited the code of the wall code. The moving platform has the same code, just added some new code to it, where I added the variables of the enemy's code for moving, and the horizontal collision code, so it just switches around every time it hits something. I also made it where the player sticks onto the platform instead of just falling straight off when it's moving. I did this by editing the code of the transparent platform part, then making a new variable and making it equal to horizontal speed if the player is standing on it, so the player can stand on it.

June 15, 2018

I have three levels, two levels that are normal just getting passed some enemies and doing obstacles and then a boss stage where you dodge multiple enemies and the boss itself. I created the boss sprite by just doubling its size rather than 32x32 pixels and creating a face on it. I also just have it parented, so it's parent is one of the enemies. The jumping mechanic was also broken, and the bug was that I accidentally had the code like this "if (place_meeting(x,x+1,obj_wall))" instead of this "if (place_meeting(x,y+1,obj_wall))" so basically I just replaced the mistaken x for y.

Game download:

I basically made my own levels and sprites, the sprites are pretty different, not so much. But my game was really supposed to be a block game. So, to maker it different from the tutorial, I've added faces and different coloring to my sprites. I've also added a boss and two different enemies instead of just one. I've basically put a code where I actually just need to press "Z" to shoot, because I wanted it to be a shooter, but was later removed because it too easy. The shooting mechanic was from the Asteroids tutorial early on so I kind of just used my experience from that and incorporated into this game, but was removed sadly. Please do not mind or look at the graphics or details.

Coding: /15
Gameplay /15
Debugging skills: /10


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