Scratch Project Proposal

          You are a Pokemon Trainer named, "Red," and you are challenged by another Pokemon Trainer that you know of named, "Gold." What happens is that you and your rival are to have a battle. You are from the Kanto region and he is from the Johto region. You can either lose or win the battle, after the battle is decided, it will have a different ending.

          The characters will be in pixelated at first, but when you start the battle sequence, the sprites will be changed into a more realistic close-up of what the people would look like. They won't exactly be created nor moving so there won't be any controls besides clicking. I'll be looking up some sprites and using them for my project.

           The coding will be pretty difficult and long. What I want is to have the two sprites talk to each other at the beginning, which I can do by using the "say ___ for _ sec" and the "wait __ sec" codes. After that I want the sprites to disappear and begin the battle sequence so I can use the hide code to do that. After that I want to make the close-up versions of the characters appear so I'll make them appear by using the "show" code. After that it would do what a normal Pokemon game would do, choose a move then try to make your opponent's Pokemon faint.

           Find sprites and background
           Make Text boxes and make them switch to which ever one is needed at the moment
           Code the Pokemon and Characters
           Add little touches such as the Health Points


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